I have a funny story to go with her getting her license today...
I had a meeting at SMHS today so I had Taylor take Tatum to Dance and then come pick me up. I was waiting and waiting and waiting wondering what was taking her so long....I was getting a little nervous..... I didn't want to call or text her so I just stood there talking to a few other moms waiting for her. She finally arrives and we walk over to the truck to find a baby carrier and baby in the front seat. She got her baby today in Child development and as she opens the door she has this look on her face of frustration. She blurts out.... This baby wouldn't shut up.... after I dropped Tatum off it cried and cried so I fed it, changed its diaper and it still would not quit. Me and the moms standing their just laughed and laughed!!!! Wow in one day she gets such a hugh life lesson!!!!
Taylor picking me up after dealing with a unhappy baby

Changing the babies diaper
A little tv time while the baby is finally quiet
Taylor had to get up 3 times with the baby. She was so tired the next morning. The baby was better on the second night and only woke up once. Taylor was so glad to give the baby back.
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