Well it was finally Toris turn to take a trip up to Prescott for the 5th grade Outdoor Ed trip. I went with both Taylor and Tatum and now I get a turn with Tori. The buses left on Wednesday morning and 5 moms drove up with me in the truck. We got to Prescott around 11:00 unloaded and then headed to lunch. After lunch our first activity was to hike Thumb Butte.... This was the start of my coughing and sore throat. It was a full day of activities and then dinner. After dinner the kids were split and half went to campfire/scary stories and then other half had dancing!!!! You name the line dance or group dance and we did it... the kids had so much fun... but Tori kept shaking her head saying "Mom stop". I wasn't the only parent dancing but by Toris looks you would of thought I was the ONLY one dancing!! LOL!! It was alot of fun but I woke up Thursday not feeling good at all. Thursday was a long day from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm full of events we had to get the kids to. I felt bad that I wasn't any fun after that but Tori understood... she had fun anyway and I tried to rest in between. Friday I felt worse and was soooo glad to be going home. I was in bed for the next two days and so was Tatum and then even Tori Jo got it.... it sucks to be sick... I don't remember laying around quite so much in my life!!!
Our group of girls

Tori and Alyssa

Top of Thumb Butte

Tori and Me

Tori Jo :))

dumping fruit into the dutch oven

making her bottle rocket

after the launch

Lauren * Alyssa * Tori
with there Egg (they had to put an egg in a cup and they had some cotton, popsicle sticks and a few strands of toilet paper) ((it broke))

Kim & I with our Egg (ours broke)

The last day all the groups had to do a skit