Tatum and her friend Maddie was in the Talent Show at school tonight... there was 35 acts... from singing, playing the piano, a juggler and lots of dance routines. There was all grade levels too... K thru 8th. It all ended with the teachers playing Take Me Out To the Ballgame. All in all it was a pretty good show.
Tatum and Maddie waiting for there turn Up on stage doing their dance routine xoxo
Since Taylor had a sleepover last night we went and had her birthday dinner tonight. She chose Texas Roadhouse :))
The girls waiting for our name to be called The bread and cinnamon butter is the main reason she likes Texas Roadhouse :) They had Taylor sit on the Saddle to sing Happy Birthday Enjoying her ice cream they brought her
Hope you had a great Birthday Taylor... I love you so much~ Mom
Well today is Taylors 14 birthday OMG!!! The original plan was to spend the day at the Pointe and swim and then spend the night... but the 88 degree weather didn't cooperate with our plans... Instead she had a few friends over.. they went to a movie and then back to our house for a sleepover. At 10:00 pm we are at Walmart buying toilet paper and forks... and then at midnight they were out toilet papering... Sorry Trever!!
Getting ready to blow out all 14 candles!! She requested this cake from Costco.. its her absolute FAVORITE :) Sydney * Michala * Tori * Taylor * Amber * Molly * Blair
Happy 14th birthday Taylor... where has the time gone??? I remember the day you were born like it was just yesterday. You were a beautiful baby and now a beautiful young lady. You were such an easy baby... you rarely fussed... such a carefree little girl. You still are.. nothing seems to get you down. You always go with the flow and have that whatever happens happens feeling. You don't care what anybody thinks, you do what you want and wear what you want and if nobody likes it well then thats fine. I love that about you... You loved Barney when you were little. You would sit and watch and act out what the other kids were doing. And you knew every song. I have video of you singing right along with Barney and the other kids.... You were always very cautious about things... like learning to ride your bike or climbing on something. Never the dare devil.. you wanted to learn or do things but you were very careful when doing it. You have always loved camping and you still do. You are not afraid to get dirty thats for sure.... I keep thinking as you get older you would not want to play in the dirt quite as much.. NOT...you still are full of dirt when we camp. You are a Great Big Sister to both your sisters.. you always have been. Although lately you like to torment Tori... although I think she deserves whats coming sometimes :0 I love watching you play softball.. and what a great player you have become. You have been playing since you were 6 and now that your older the games are so much fun to watch. You are such a team player and team sport. When your having a bad game you don't cop an attitude you just get disappointed in yourself and it just takes the coach to tell you its okay and you get a big smile and your back out there giving it your all. You stay the way you are and you will continue to have many many life long friends.. Your a great friend to everyone. Taylor you are a great daughter and I love you so very much.
Here are some pictures of you growing into the wonderful young ladie you are today!!!