Tatum had a meet this morning out at ASU... she wasn't very happy with herself. She didn't place in any of her events therefore that made her feel awful. This is just the beginning of her competition season.. she has 5 more meets in the next 8 weeks. I told her she would improve as she goes and that I think she did great... of course mom knows nothing!! Here her team is marching in.. they wore Cardinals jersey for support :) Well I happened to get some video this time...
Tatum was so bummed here... she said she just couldn't get her balance.
They are the district champions... YEAH!!! Taylors school ball team won the tournament.. GREAT JOB LADIES. Taylor you pitched a great season this year... I can't wait until you play High School ball next year.
Watching Apache get their second place trophe... Great game Apache!!
Frontier receiving the First place trophe... WAY TO GO :)
Happy Birthday Tatum... Tonight we went to Tatums resturant of choice and she picked Ahso. Its a Japanesse place where they cook the food right in front of you. We had good food and a great time... the guy cooking even had Tatum come over by him and try and flip the egg... it flipped all right clear over by Tad and I.. thank goodness Tad caught it or there would of been egg all over the wall!!!
The cook and others singing to Tatum
Blowing out her candles... this is somekind of sherbert and fruit dish
All of us after dinner
After our food settled we had cake at home
Tatum blowing out her candles... Taylor and Tori being goofy
Happy 12th Birthday Tatum. I can't believe you are already 12... where does the time go. I remember the day you were born.. such a beautiful baby. You have always been one to go.. go.. go. You didn't just sit around and play you were all over the place... In your walker you practically ran in that thing, chasing Baillie all over the house. Taylor would be sitting watching Barney and you would get right in front of her wanting to play. You didn't have time to just sit and watch t.v. As soon as you learned to walk you were into my shoes... you loved to wear the dressup shoes but you liked the high pumps better... I could never understand how you could walk in 3 inch heels that were soooo big for you... but you did :)
You have always had a mischievious look on your cute litte face... even when you weren't up to anything. That beautiful smile has always melted my heart!!!
You have always loved our doggies... laying all over them always... good thing they didn't mind. You still lay around with them.
You have always been very competitive and you hate to lose... when you were little you would quit if you were losing.. but now you know you can't always win and your a great sport!!
You have always enjoyed camping.. we have taken you since you were 3 months old. You were always dirty... I think you would go out and just roll in the dirt thats how dirty your little face would be. And never watching where you are going... I remember when you fell in the hot coals from the night before because you were giving Aunt Sheri the "look at me" look... You scared me the death rushing you to the hospital with burns on your little arm. Luckily they weren't that bad and you didn't scar.
I remember the first time you played t-ball... so little out there. You were outfield, and at that level nobody ever hits the ball outfield. You were squatting down playing with all the ladybugs.. so excited you caught a couple.
Now you are into gymnastics and just starting to compete... I love that you try your hardest and when you don't get a medal you learn from your mistakes and try harder the next time. You will improve each week that you go.
Tatum you are such a joy and a wonderful daughter, a great sister and a good friend to all. I love you so very much. I love that your not afraid or embarrassed to ask me anything. That you love hugs and kisses and your a cuddler. I am so blessed to have you!!