There are probably a couple of new ones too... I was a huge 90210 fan years ago and have watched the premier of the new one... its ok so far. But these are the ones I am waiting to start up again :) :)

Gossip Girl started a couple of weeks ago

Boston Legal was on tonight... its a laugh out loud kinda show.

Dancing with the Stars started tonight too... now I have 3 shows on Monday nights.

Can't wait for Desperate Housewives to start on Sunday.... excited to see how they move forward 5 years :)

Brothers and Sisters is another laugh out loud show... I just love Sally Fields... its starts Sunday and follows D.H.

The girls and I love to watch Biggest Loser.... I cry every week when someone has to leave... it just amazes me how big these people are and how determined they are to lose it... and the changes in their looks... AMAZING!!! It started last Tuesday.

Private Practice is one that started last fall but ended early because of the strike... can't wait for this one it starts Oct 1st.

Dirty Sexy Money was another one that ended early because of the strike.... hope it continues to be good!!!